Friday, January 13, 2012

New Years Resolutions

I know that most people do this right before or after New Years, rather than a few weeks later like I am, but I wanted to really think about it and decide what it is that I thought my New Years Resolutions should be. Typical me fashion they all have to do with 'doing' something, but that suits me just fine. :)

1) Travel

ok so some of you may be saying what I have heard others say to me before 'thats not a resolution, thats a reality for you' and while that may be true, they say that if you right down clear, concise goals for yourself there is a far greater chance of them coming true (somewhere in the 90% range I believe) so here I am writing down my clear and hopefully concise goals. So. The places I want to travel to this year, in no particular order, are:

Nepal- to visit the new Mr Josh and Mrs Tammy Moses
Brissy/Surfer Paradise- to visit Bek, Damo, Caitlin, and Mr Josh and Mrs *Bug (Kirsten) Barton
Sydney and the Bong- to visit Grace, Taki, Nuggie, Krissie, Jade and many others
Melbourne- to visit Kimmy, Crystal and Shaun and bub, and others
South America- to visit Calvin
and of course- back to the US of A- to visit all my BLYC lovelies, my America family- the Torkelsen's, Bry of course, Ash Lyon, and hopefully some of my old Georgian friends! (at this stage I am considering Chrissy and NYs as a time to come, as I have been ordered that I need to see proper snow... :D and my little brother Brian and I have a deal to go snowboarding and horseriding in the snow ;)

2) Get a job that pays lots of money so that I can save for above travel, and also below expenses and gives me the time off to do everything! (working on that one- fingers crossed!)

3) New camera of the Canon Mark 7D or 5D variety and also new lens for various purposes, a tripod and flashes :D

4) Start to learn a language or two - thanks to Miss G for my first German lesson! maybe soon I'll be able to talk to my dear sis Anna Banana in her native language! :D other languages that I would like to learn are French, Spanish, Italian, Gaelic, Arabic, Greek... (I thought I'd better stop there and actually start learning some before I added more to the list!)

5) Begin learning a Martial Arts- Karate or Kung Fu of some kind, mostly for self defence purposes, especially as a young female who likes to travel and often ends up doing it alone, but also for fun and fitness properties

6) Do more dancing, particularly lessons again in Lindyhop as it has been too long, eventually learning some aerial's perhaps?

7) Write more letters and send more snail mail type loving. I am happy to say that this resolution is very much underway, having already shared a few 'for shits and giggles' postcards between me and my beautiful bestie Grace, and first few letters writing heading their way to destinations around the world :)

8) Do some more photography courses, develop and broaden skills further

9) Save money to either A) Go live in Europe, B) study videography in Prague, or C) travel the world and my leisure and start knocking off my bucketlist!

10) Learn Parkour/Free running- something that has been on my bucketlist for the last few years, but after my first 'lesson' in Parkour and getting to watch someone/people who are really very talented at said activity, my resolve to master this has deepened. So who wants to join me? :D

And that Ladies and Gentlemen, sums up what I hope my 2012 looks like! :D I hope that you have all set, and written down (reasonable and attainable) goals for yourself and if you have- go for them! :D

Lets do this 2012, just in case it IS the last year of the world! haha ;)

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