Monday, December 12, 2011

For the want of a roadtrip adventure

So this is just a plan, that I hope will come to fruition- but as it has been a plan of something I would like to do for a long time, I'm not saying anything is set in stone, as my plans have a habit of changing frequently! BUT, it WOULD be awesome if it was to happen. :) just saying.

Where is the roadtrip to you may wonder? Well keeping with the latest theme of a love for Australia, and specifying that to a love of my state- West Aus, the trip I am proposing, is to start out from Perth, in a cold, windy, rainy depressing part of the year (between June-August sometime), and head north, that's right, to the beautiful, sunny (did i mention dry season) north. Where beautiful beaches and sunny, warm days reign in the winter.

Proposed stops along the way consist of, Monkey Mia, Coral Bay - for a day or two or three of snorkelling/scuba diving on the Ningaloo reef, then on to Broome, for more beach time- think cricket, rugby, footie on the beach with a bonfire, toasted sandwiches, watermelon, marshmallows and spotto (spotlight, and if you don't know what that is, then you have had a poor deprived childhood) in the sand-dunes, the famous sunset cinema's, the best ice cream I have ever tasted, and just time to chill, relax and unwind.

so keep it in mind, think about it, check out the following photos and movies to help you decide and if it does start to come to some kind of fruition, this dream roadtrip of mine that has been on my mind for an odd 6/7 years I will let you know! :D

movies to watch-
Bran Nue Dae (seriously a good movie)
the above two are set in or near the areas the proposed roadtrip is planned. but if you want some other good aussie films to watch I have listed the ones I consider to be the best for your enjoyment. :)
Tomorrow When the War Began (if you haven't seen this or read the books- seriously you don't know what you are missing out on!!!)
The Castle (a classic showing of aussie crazy sense of humour, can be a bit to sit through if your not used to it...)
The Dish
Rabbit Proof Fence
(these last three are all based on true events, as Australia (the movie) is as well. They therefore can be a little heartbreaking and you may want a box of tissues, some chocolate and maybe even someone to cuddle whilst viewing these ones. (The Dish is not so much in the way of heartbreaking, but the other three are pretty epic at times) But they are very informative on events that you may not have heard of if you are not Australian.


so who wants to join me on a trip to paradise? :D

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