Wednesday, December 14, 2011

A Season of Giving

Christmas is a wonderful time that we get to spend with family and friends, we get to eat till we're so stuffed full of good food that you just want to spend the rest of the day napping until you can fit a little bit more in, and presents. Don't forget the presents. Everyone (generalisation I know, but for arguments sake, let's stick with it) loves to get presents, and really who wouldn't? If your family is anything like mine, then you love to give gifts to those you love, just because you love them. And there is absolutely nothing wrong with that.

But this Christmas, during a time of reflection on the year gone past, a time of giving- of presents and love, to those around you, why not think further afield. Think of those who for Christmas is just another day to try and survive, the only present they can give is to go hungry themselves so their children can eat just that little bit more. And I ask you- what else can you give this Christmas, instead of going out and treating yourself to the latest game of whatever, or getting the newest such and such, look around and see if you really NEED it? There has been a photo that has been posted around facebook, a photo worth 2000s words or more i believe, and yet it only says two.

'Define Necessity'

How often do people say- oh i NEED the new whatever. Reality check is, we have everything we could need, we have food, shelter, clean water and security. Anything more is simply a want.

So this Christmas I hope that you will think of others, others who struggle to attain the things they really NEED, where their wants and needs equate to the same things. There are many ways that you can help, many projects that you can support, so much so that often people don't do anything as they don't know which to choose. My solution? Choose something that you are passionate about, something that is close to your heart. So many projects need funding, but every little bit really does help. I've put some ideas below of my favourite projects.

The Women's foundation of Nepal, I had the privilege to visit whilst I was in Nepal in 2009. The project provides shelters for women and their children who have been abused and teaches them vocational skills such as farming and weaving scarves. They also fight these cases of abuse in the court, as well as trying to change the laws in Nepal to support women. There are almost no laws in Nepal protecting women, there have been cases of men pouring burning hot oil on their wives in public and getting away without even being charged. The women who run this project, and those that it protects are all, simply put, incredible. Not only would your money go to help change laws in Nepal and help provide for the shelters, or teaching the women how to support themselves, but you will also be giving their children a chance at a future as well.

Also in Nepal, though I only just heard about this project this last year and so have not been able to visit, is Friends of Maiti Nepal, run by an amazing woman, Anuradha Koirala. You may have heard of her, she was named CNN's top 10 Hero in 2010 for her work in stopping sex trafficking. Anurandha and Maiti Nepal have saved as many as 12,000 victims. But there is many more to save, much more work yet to be done, until those running the trafficking are stopped, there will always be victims needing saving. If you want something more than just sending money off to a project you haven't seen, you can instead buy one of their products- for you or as a gift, and so still support a worthy cause.

On the same trip to Nepal, we had the honour and pleasure (though slightly heart-breaking that it was) of visiting ADRA's Keep Girls Safe project in Thailand. This project, much like Maiti Nepal, provides shelter for girls who are saved from the sex trade, or are deemed at a high risk of being sold into the sex trade. ADRA provides the girls not just shelter, but and education and vocational skills to help ensue that when they leave the shelter they are at a far less risk of being trafficked. Thailand is often overlooked today in the face of it being classified as a 'developed' country. Though it has taken great leaps forwards in the last few years, there is still much to be done in Thailand, and the sex trade and trafficking is still a disgustingly prevalent industry throughout. Unfortunately for is 'developed' status, many organisations are pulling out of Thailand and instead putting their money and time into areas that are deemed as having a greater need, leaving what is left to a few organisations who find getting funding rather difficult.

If these seem overwhelming, or doesn't quite grab you, as you would like to put your money into somewhere else. There is always the Oxfam shop, there are a few situated around, or you can go online and buy a goat, chicken or poo for a family somewhere in the world and the recipient will get a cute little card informing them of the gift they have given another family in need this Christmas.

I wish you all the most wonderful, fun filled, food coma inducing, family love filled Christmas this year. I also hope that maybe this Christmas you find yourself giving also to someone in need. If you do normally give something, at Christmas or other time, as I know many of my beautiful friends do, I would love to hear what projects you support!

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!! May 2012 be the most wonderful, happy and fulfilling year for you all.

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