Thursday, December 22, 2011

Musings of a 24 year old

I woke up this morning to demanding phone calls and txts from two of my best friends with the order- get on skype! Very happily I complied and was greeted with a happy birthday song from Kimmy, Grace and Grace's son, the cheeky little monkey/monster, Taki (aka, my favourite little man). Afterwards I checked my phone and facebook to find many messages of love and birthday wishes, this being preceded by having many of my lovely friends that have been in my life from primary school, high school, RYLA camps and dancing friends over for a birthday dinner the other night, and I feel very loved indeed. Not to mention a call at midnight last night from my dear, darling sister in London, calls from my parents and my Erin Dear and the arrival of some beautiful flowers on my doorstep from a gorgeous friend.

Thinking back over my life, there has been many ups and downs and trials, friends made, some lost. But at the end of the day one wonders what they did to deserve so many good friends and beautiful family who have been there through it all.

This year certainly has been full of ups and downs, sad times, drama's and the most fantastic fun. But all in all it has been one hell of a good year! I have made so many more beautiful friends, got to spend some lovely quality time with both my sisters, Larissa and Anna in Europe, and have had the great pleasure to do quite a bit of traveling- my favourite activity!

As I look down the barrel at my 24th year of life, almost a quarter of a century, or as my sister says it, quarter of a life (I guess she means to live to 100 aye?) I am challenging myself to let go of the things I can't change, to remember the fantastic times I've had and the wonderful people I have met and to do my best to have the most awesome year imaginable! So here's to 2012 and my 24th year, my I learn, grow, love and laugh, remember to thank my friends who are always there for me, how much they mean to me, and of course- here's to more travel adventures! :D

I hope that you all have the most fabulous Christmas and New Year, and I send my love out to all of you all over the world! I truly have the best family and friends a girl could ask for. <3 Lelle

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